Another name to note is seniorpartner Jorge Chávarro, a multi-talented commercial and IP lawyer with valuableinternational expertise.
Highly specialised andwell-rounded in IP matters, regionally influential service Cavelier is a go-tofor trademark prosecution and strategic brand advice. It undertakes extensivework for top companies including Adidas, Red Bull and Cisco. The set has alsorecently defended the International Olympic Committee in oppositionproceedings. Providing strong leadership to a well-built group of 31associates, head of trademarks and copyright Eduardo Varela is “unsurpassed among trademark lawyers inColombia and someone you can rely on for sound and clear advice on all aspectsof trademark licensing, prosecution and enforcement”. Pivotal to the success ofthe practice, head of trademark and corporate litigation Edna Sarmiento receives high praise. “Edna isagile, prompt, responsive, efficient, commercial and practical. She takes thetime to learn about her patrons’ businesses and keeps clients up to date on theprogress of each matter, all of which makes her highly effective at resolvingcomplex cases and extremely easy to work with.” Another name to note is seniorpartner Jorge Chávarro, a multi-talented commercial and IP lawyer withvaluable international expertise.